b'Our topTERM TIMEBenefits DestinationsTERM TIME TOP 101. Quieter ResortsFewer numbers on the slopes and in ski schools, offering a more relaxed and enjoyable experience. Shorter queues for ski lifts and equipment rentals too and less waitingTo find out more: speaktime. to your local advisor2. Smaller Class SizesSki schools during term time typically have fewerselectschoolskiing.comstudents per instructorallowing for more personalised attention and dedicated progress.3. Making Memories Tel: 01444 870100Skiing during term time offers unparalleled and unforgettable memory making experiences. Creating lasting memories of adventure, achievement, and funmemories that students will cherish for years to come.4. Less Expensive PackagesSkiing outside the school holiday periods can result inPiancavallo 3 5 12 1lower prices for flights, accommodation, and lift passes. This makes skiing during term time a more affordable option. Entry level resort, ideal for beginners & small groups5. Mental and Physical Health Benefits Piancavallo, located in thePiancavallo offers school A break from the regular school schedule offersFriuli Venezia Giulia regiongroups fantastic progression students a chance to relax, recharge, and refresh, whichof Italy, is an excellent skiwith interconnecting runs for can improve their focus and performance when theydestination for school groups,beginners and intermediate return. Skiing is a great form of exercise for developingespecially during term time.skiers as well.teenagers that improves strength, coordination, andThe smaller groups that come endurance. Overcoming challenges on the slopes (e.g.,with skiing during term timeResort height: 1245mmastering new skills or skiing down more difficult terrain)allow for more personalizedHighest lift: 1865mcan build resilience and boost self-esteem. instruction, helping students Vertical drop: 620m6. Improved Learning Environment improve faster. Total km of piste: 35kmSkiing during term time, particularly in a school group,Recent resort investmentTotal no of ski runs: 21allows students to focus on learning new skills in ameans much fun to be had offTotal no of lifts: 12supportive environment without the distractions that canthe slopes as well, includingLongest run: 3kmcome with peak holiday crowds. a sports hall with courts,Lift pass covers: PiancavalloSnow making: 95%7. Building Responsibility trampolines and climbing wallTfer (air): Venice: 2hrsSki trips teach students important life skills such asas well as many local cafs.Tfer (coach): Calais: 18hrsmanaging their time, looking after personal belongings, and being responsible for their actions.8. More Focused ExperienceTeachers can use the ski trip as an opportunity toClaviere 19 36 3incorporate learning into the experience (e.g., geography, teamwork, or physical education), which can be a valuable extension of classroomExcellent for limited budgetideal for term timelearning.9. Social and EmotionalClaviere is an excellent choice Development for schools working with a Ski trips during term timelimited budget and ideal as a provide an opportunity forterm time location.students to bond with theirClaviere is connected to the peers in a unique environment,best snow in the Milky Way fostering teamwork,with up-to 390 kilometres ofResort height: 1760m friendship, and social skills. piste. Its an ideal choice forHighest lift: 2823mTotal km of piste: 50km (100 km inc: 10. Dedicated Learningbeginners and intermediatesMontgenvre, 390 km, inc. Milky WayWith fewer distractions fromwith many tree-lined pistes,Total no of ski runs: 32 other skiers and tourists,a wide selection of reds, andTotal no of lifts: 11 (70 Milky Way)students can focus betterlower gradient blacks. TheLift pass covers Various options (details on learning new skills,French village of Montgenevreon request).improving their technique,is the neighbouring ski resortSnow making: 245 cannons.T/fer (air): Turin: 1.5hrs, Grenoble: 2.5hrsand gaining confidence onand easily accessible. T/fer (coach): Calais: 12.5hrsthe slopes.'